Your spine is a crucial part of your body. So, if you’ve got an injury or condition of the spine, you should seek treatment immediately from the best spine surgeon in your area. Having the best spine surgeon for your spine problem is essential to achieve pain relief and minimize the risk of potential complications.
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Back Surgery: Is It a Good Option for Back Pain?
Back pain is one of the most common types of chronic pain in the United States, affecting millions of Americans. If you are living with excruciating back pain, you might be thinking about back surgery to get rid of your pain once and for all. However, you cannot decide between undergoing a knife to relieve
Read MoreIs Physical Therapy Necessary After Back Surgery?
In terms of back and neck pain treatment, surgery should always be a last resort. Only when conservative methods fail to provide any relief should you consider back surgery. It is perfectly understandable if you are nervous about pursuing surgery. You may be worried that the pain will return post-op or that recovery will be
Read MoreIs Pain Medication Needed After Spine Surgery?
Following any kind of invasive surgery, including spine surgery, patients are prescribed pain medication. Your spine surgeon will discuss with you beforehand any preferences or allergies you have with medications; if you do have any allergies or preferences, be sure to let your back surgeon or their medical staff know before your surgery. Let’s talk
Read MoreWhat Are Some of the Most Common Spinal Disorders that Are Treated Through Back Surgery?
Your spine makes it possible for you to sit, stand, walk, and move your torso. It is your body’s central support system, bearing your weight and keeping you upright. Spinal disorders and back pain can therefore be quite a hindrance to living well. When nonsurgical treatment methods fail to address your back problem, back surgery
Read MoreSpine Surgery: Tips for a Faster Recovery
Whether you have had or are about to have spine surgery, you will want to take certain steps to help your back to heal as quickly, safely, and effectively as possible. After all, you know that back surgery can involve complications if you’re not careful. Your spine surgery procedure is only the first piece of
Read MoreHow Can Artificial Discs Help Me?
Gone are the days when you had to choose between one of the few available treatment options for your disc disease or back pain. The main “default” solution used to be spinal fusion surgery, in which the injured or degenerated disc was removed altogether, and the adjacent vertebrae had to fuse together in order to
Read MoreAm I A Good Candidate for Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery?
According to an estimate, 8 out of 10 American adults experience chronic back pain at some point in their life. This chronic back pain can be caused by various spinal conditions, including osteoporosis, bulging or herniated disc, fractured vertebrae, and compressed spinal nerves. Suppose you suffer severe back pain and conservative treatment and physical therapy
Read MoreWhat You Should Expect After Your Spine Surgery
Surgery is an effective way to treat many spinal conditions. Since doctors only consider surgery if they deem a patient is healthy enough to withstand the procedure, most spine surgery cases have little to no complications. However, not everyone knows what to expect while recovering from spinal surgery. Returning to normal life requires extensive work
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know Before Getting Artificial Discs
The spine has a relatively soft disc between each set of two adjacent vertebrae, and these discs serve to provide your back with flexibility while also preventing the vertebrae bones from rubbing against each other. Over time or due to injury, a disc can develop reduced integrity – and this can reduce or eliminate the
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