Kyphoplasty is an augmentation or strengthening of vertebrae that have suffered compression fractures. This minimally invasive procedure alleviates pain, stabilizes the bone, and restores some or all vertebral height that was impacted by the fracture. A catheter with a balloon-like device creates space in the vertebra, and a special cement-like substance is injected to fill
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What Does a Neurosurgeon Treat?
Many people hear the word neurosurgeon and think it refers to a doctor who works on your brain. While this can be true, a neurosurgeon does a lot more than just brain surgery. A lot of a neurosurgeon’s time is dedicated to studying the spine, treating neck and back pain, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease,
Read MoreWho Should I Go to for My Sciatica?
Sciatica is not a disease or a diagnosis. It is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. The term is used to describe nerve pain, tingling, numbness and weakness that travels from the lower back, across the buttocks, down the back of the thighs to the calves and feet. It occurs when the sciatic nerve – the longest
Read MoreI’ve Been Diagnosed with a Hemangioblastoma: What Now?
You’re sitting in a doctor’s office and have just been informed about a growth of cells that may be the cause of your constant headaches and lack of balance. You’ve feared the worst, but the diagnosis is not a common one: hemangioblastoma. While it is not a household name the way some types of cancer
Read MoreCan Birth Control Cause Strokes?
Oral contraceptives, more commonly known as birth control pills are associated with making your life easier, not necessarily more stressful. Sure, you do have to stay on top of taking your dose every single day like clockwork or you could risk an unwanted pregnancy, but it does make life easier for those that follow the
Read MoreThe Full Guide to Concussions
Thanks to the controversy swirling around the National Football League and its players, the subject of concussions has gotten a lot of attention lately. A concussion is a traumatic head injury that affects your brain function and the more you know about it, the better you can protect yourself or deal with the condition if
Read MoreAre There Any Symptoms of a Brain Tumor You May Notice?
So, you’ve been having these headaches lately and it’s got you worried. Could it be … a brain tumor? Relax. Headaches usually are NOT an early symptom of a brain tumor. Nevertheless, it’s got you wondering what would be a potential sign that something is amiss in your head. Any cell in your brain can
Read MoreThe Benefits of Artificial Discs
Your spine is a complex and critical part of your body. Running from the base of your skull to your pelvis, it serves as a flexible yet sturdy pillar that supports your body’s weight and protects your spinal cord. Between each bony vertebra of your spine are tough ligaments called discs that act as shock
Read More5 Reasons You May Need a Neurosurgeon
It isn’t brain surgery. That might be your reaction if told that you need a neurosurgeon to cure your carpal tunnel syndrome. After all, doesn’t a neurosurgeon operate on your brain? Well, yeah, but conditions affecting the brain are only a part of what a neurosurgeon treats. That’s because a neurosurgeon’s focus is on the
Read MoreFront Range Spine & Neurosurgery signs website with a blog
Front Range Spine & Neurosurgery recently redesigned our practice website to include more ways for patients to interact with our office. The website offers a online appointment requests, and an award-winning patient education library. We will be blogging about the latest information regarding research and advancements in Neurosurgery. The blog will also be used as
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